Tuesday, April 1, 2014

C4K Summary for March

Efa-Lata's Swimming Story

Efa-Lata made a video about swimming. While swimming she is going to blow bubbles and splash the water. Efa-Lata was obviously reading from something but I think this is a great activity to practice reading. It instills confidence and enables the students to read with fluency. This quick, twenty second video encouraged Efa-Lata to read aloud and also read accurately.

Loseli Swimming

Loseli's class attends the Glen Innes Aquatic Center for swimming lessons. As a class, they attended these swimming lessons every day for thirty minutes. Loseli explained how New Zealand is surrounded by water so it is important for the children to learn how to swim. In her swimming class she is learning how to freestyle with a board and rocket arms. Loseli is tired at the end of swim lessons but always has a good time during the class. I think it is a great idea to incorporate swimming lessons in the classroom, especially if swimming is essential to the children's survival.

Multiplication and Division

Anisha is studying multiplication and division. For this post, she demonstrated her understanding of the material by posting numerous problems. I thought it was an interesting approach because they incorporated fractions and I think were using some type of factor tree to get the answer.


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